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Our programs serve over 250 children and adults each year. Our goal is to assist the participants of our training programs with education, life skills development, transitional housing, and to help supplement their basic needs.


Our services vary, in that we provide life skills development, mentoring, transitional housing for victims of domestic abuse, employment assistance, food, career clothing, GED training, and tutoring. Some of the advantages we offer our clients are computer training, office skills, how to cope with life issues, tutoring and mentoring youths, financial literacy, ABE (Adult Basic Education), and GED classes. These services are made available at no cost to low-income individuals and their families, and the working class who earn below livable wages. Our mission is to empower the disadvantaged through educational training, life skills, and to supplement their basic needs by providing them with the necessary tools to become self-sufficient.


We rely on a portion of our funding sources to come in from companies that will support the program’s efforts concerning youths and adults.


The funds donated will be used for the computer equipment, educational material, career clothing, and supportive service needs. With your assistance, we can reach our goals for the new program year. We appreciate whatever donation you can provide some items are listed below

Roofing Supplies,Flooring,External Paint,Blankets,Sheets ,Towels,Toiletries,Gently,Used Furniture

Dishes, Computer equipment,and Vehicles.


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